Thursday, April 2, 2009


Peruse: To read thoroughly.
Some of my stuff needs to be perused; some doesn't. If you're reading my fishing book From Bonneville to the Border learning how and where to successfully catch fish on the Columbia River system, you need to "PERUSE," drinking in every detail. It's paying attention to the details that often means the difference between a successful fishing trip and a less successful one.
If you're reading my novel Cliff's Journals, you need to "Peruse." It covers seventy years and has many characters, so you'll need to remember who does what - certainly with the main characters.
If you're reading A Horse Named Hummer, it doesn't matter Use peruse any way you want because it's a humor book. If you think it's funny, it was worth the price and I'm happy about that. A guy doesn't need to remember all the details about what made him laugh, does he? I think that's the reason I'm so bad about remembering good jokes.
I'll be adding to this blog on a regular basis, and some of that will be digression. If you enjoy my digressions but know some details I don't, call me. My name is in the Yakima phone book.