Thursday, April 2, 2009

Plinking (Target Shooting and Hunting)

I plink a lot, but it wasn't always that way. I shot highpower rifle competitively for several years, but that was expensive. Once they found out I had an NRA master rating, the National Guard assured me I had a spot on their team if I enlisted. Oh, what a guy will do for free ammunition and entry fees.
I shot and coached for many years on unit level squads as well as on the national level. When the NRA created a hi-master rating, I shot my way to that in registered competition using a National Match M-14 rifle shooting at ranges from 200 to 600 yards.
When I had 20 1/2 years toward retirement, I quit. I was an E-8 (master sergeant). I had retired from my teaching job a few months prior to that (I taught high school English for 27 years), and I set out to catch up on my fishing and hunting.
So now I plink, but I don't have to turn in scores. I hunt varmints as well as big game and birds. I have hunted in Africa four times, but I probably won't go again. That plane ride across the pond is a killer.